The company starts up in the matter of construction and archetectial projects which involving stoneworks.
Now 3 years in the field and it's time to tighten our bonds with trusted and respectful manufacturers, suppliers and producers. Since we do fully contracting on construction projects independently, then we need to reach out for a co-worker in furnishing spaces. Also we need a highly unique architectural knowledge to bond us together, therefore Luxury Stone stablishes a joint task group with "Billionaire Furniture".
It's been 5 wonderful years and we've accomplished too many great projects. We decide to have a major developement on the Internet, therefore we redesigned our website. Customers now can have an upgraded information, resume, contact lines and even do shopping via our website.
Naghme (Nağme) is our Iranian highly skilled architect. She assists us with architectural drawings and designs, 3D modeling of the process, design furnitures and artistic elements.
Doğan Can is the head of our furnishing department, supply and manufacturing furniture, supervise woodworking section.
Merve Üçler is a graduated architect from Sakarya University, Landscape department, 2004.
Born in 1984, she was growing up while influenced by his father whom manged to have a successful business in stonework.
Shortly after college she was in the field implementing her knowledges and taking experiences. After all she founded "Luxury Stone" in 2013, did lots of projects involving natural stone in architecture. Soon the company moved on to several other related work fields such as landscape design, interior design and furnitures. One of her golden manifest is to not stuck with old fashion methods but constantly upgrading herself and the company. Premium qualities are the sacred goal for her while doing projects. She insists on having face to face resolutions with all of the customers and self-managing in every single project.